1. To carry on business as manufactures, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers and dealers in all types of agri-inputs, like fertilizers, Micronutrients, Pesticides & insecticides, veterinary and live stock feeds and feed supplements, fish feeds and its supplements. 

2.To  buy import, export, sell and generally deal in all plant and machinery, implements, accessories, tools, goods or things and all types of modern agricultural implements, veterinary, live stock and poultry equipments and also to carry on the business of poultry, farming, agricultural farming, fish rearing and allied activities.

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1. To carry on business as manufactures, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers and dealers in all types of agri-inputs, like fertilizers, Micronutrients, Pesticides & insecticides, veterinary and live stock feeds and feed supplements, fish feeds and its supplements. 

2.To  buy import, export, sell and generally deal in all plant and machinery, implements, accessories, tools, goods or things and all types of modern agricultural implements, veterinary, live stock and poultry equipments and also to carry on the business of poultry, farming, agricultural farming, fish rearing and allied activities.

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Porto Business Consulting 123 Porto Blvd, Suite 100 New York, NY

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